Friday, June 09, 2006

Todays Project....

Wow! Major project here. My mother came over today and we started sorting through all of my grandfathers hockey 'stuff'. We have all of those old scrapbooks that date back to the early 40's all the way to the late 70's. All filled with his hockey career. So exciting. But its all sorted out now and in piles by team. That took several hours.
Now, the fun begins. We had to hit Kinko's to get color copies made of each page. The early scrapbookers used tape and paste to adhere the newspaper articles to the page and no matter what I can think of, nothing will get them off. Our only option is to make a color copy of each page and then trim the articles. A costly project, but well worth it. I want these memories to last forever. I want my kids and my grandkids to be able to see what he was - a truly amazing athlete.
Thats him with Shirley Temple. Yes, THE Shirley Temple. She was giving him some award. My grandmother likes to point out the flirty smile Shirley has. Look at that dreamy look in her eyes. My grandfather was HOT!
The other picture is from in the 70's. After he 'semi-retired' and was playing Senior Hockey (yes, there is a huge market for this. More on it later....) he was hired by the Los Angeles Kings as a Goal Judge. He's there behind the glass watching the action.

Here he is (6th from left on the bottom row) playing for the Edmonton Athletic Club Maple Leafs. Very young. I think we was 16 at the time. How awesome is this?

Here's my mother doing research. We were actually able to find some articles from newspapers in his hometown of Edmonton, Alberta. More research is needed though.

Of course, no day is complete without a trip to the store. I have a new store near me that opened a few months ago so we decided it was time to christen it. Really big store. She's still in the process of filling it but she carries the latest and greatest.

Rascal had to help. He likes to sit on a chair so he's closer to you. Poor dog had a fit when we left for a few hours. He doesn't like to be alone - but what pug does???

So, the first part of this is done. Now I can start working on the book. I just need to get it started so I can give him something for Fathers Day this year.

Once the Stanley Cup Finals are over, I'm going to need a hockey fix!!

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