Thursday, November 30, 2006

For my friends.....

Sierra and Michael who just had their baby last week - Savannah.

I made these announcements for them, just have to mail them. I hate the Post Office so the thought of going anywhere near the place gives me hives. I usually avoid the place like the plague and use those mailbox etc places. Since I don't have one by the house, I have to go to the PO. :( I can do this.

I made them girly, but not too girly. I think all of the brown kind of counteracts the pink. Since Sierra is pretty much like me, I know pink is pretty much an unheard of color.......

God help me if I have a girl.......

1 comment:

Domestic Zookeeper said...

These are awesome. I love them to pieces. It seems such a shame to write on them and mail them. They should be framed as national treasures!! =D