Saturday, March 07, 2009

Creative binge

So, after a very long time with no creative mojo, I found it. Have I said that recently? :)
I've been focusing on layouts that require a lot of detail. I missed this part of the craft - the details. So after spending a lot of time reorganizing my room and trying to get the 8 folders (yes 8 - 3 ring binders) of ideas under control I was able to sit down and create more.
I've been saving layouts from magazines, online sites and sketches. I threw out most of the layouts and kept the card ideas (need to use those scraps!) and the sketches. I am slowly consolidating those into a composition notebook. Its a heck of a lot more portable than those huge binders. But more on that later.
Here are just a few of the things I've created lately. I've done a lot more, but I'm really bad about taking pictures. We've had a lot of cloudy days so the lighting is off.

More on the composition notebooks later this week. You can see more pictures of these layouts in my gallery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are great Erica!!!