Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A little pumpkin

Finally had a few days of dry weather.  This rain - I love it.  BUT, I'm not used to it.  I'm used to 100 degree days in October.  I'm used to buying a cute outfit for Nick to wear and then dressing him in shorts and a tshirt to go picking pumpkins.  This year, he actually got to wear the outfit and he looked like a little man.  I don't really like those words but he did look like a little adult.  One mom asked me how old he was and when I said 3, she was shocked.  'I thought you were going to say 5 or something!'  She says to me.

Nope!  Only 3.  He's tall for his age and he's not super skinny.  He's not even 40 pounds yet but he looks solid.  You should see his dad.

As soon as he saw the pumpkins, he took off.  He looked like a bee hopping from pumpkin to pumpkin. Looking them over to find the perfect one. 

Or twenty!

He kept going back for more.  He loaded up our cart.  When I said to him that we had enough he said 'no mama, we need more punkins!' as he ran past me with another one.  My dad and I were carrying them back when he wasn't looking while Nick was adding more to the pile.

Oh well!

We ended up with 3 big ones and 3 small ones.  We have two more trips to the pumpkin patch this week so I know we'll be getting a lot more!

In the middle of the madness, this crazy little boy sat for me.  He actually posed for me.  This is a first!  I had to shoot quick because he spotted another good pumpkin and took off!

There was also a pony ride.  We couldn't leave without riding the pony.

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