Monday, April 02, 2007

Class Kits.....

I've been working on Class Kits all day! Wow! Never done this before and now I see all of the work that goes into it. I'm doing a short technique class for people who are interested. I have a lot of friends and family who are 'afraid' to try some of the new techniques out there and always compliment my layouts. So, this class is going to teach them my 'secrets'.

Its been kind of fun doing this, just a lot of work. I did get to use my new paper trimmer today and have to say, this thing is awesome. I've been using the good ol' grey and orange Fiskars trimmer for about 7 years now. I have three of them and just rotate them and the blades all the time. I've been looking at new trimmers for a while, but have hesitated. You just never know if something will be the same, worse or better. So I finally broke down and bought the Making Memories trimmer. Wow. Nice cut. And straight too!

Got Rascal to pose for a new picture for me today. I bought him a new t shirt that says Big Brother on the back. (I know I know, I need to have kids! Starting in July, you might start seeing matching outfits for the baby and dog. I know, I'm still crazy.) Got the shirt HERE. If you love funny shirts, check out this site. Very funny. Too hard to choose one! I ended up with the Brother shirt and a scarf that says "I'm not fat, I'm fluffy!"


NIKLIN said...

So what do we have to do to get the class kits my dear??

aimee said...

That was my question. They look cool!